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Section: New Results

Convex Lifting: Theory and Control Applications

Participants : Sorin Olaru, Martin Gulan [STU, Bratislava, Slovaquie] , Ngoc Anh Nguyen [J. Kepler Univ., Linz, Austria] , Pedro Rodriguez [CentraleSupélec] .

We introduced the convex lifting concept which was proven to enable significant implementation benefits for the class of piecewise affine controllers. Accordingly, two different algorithms to construct a convex lifting for a given polyhedral/polytopic partition were presented. These two algorithms rely on either the vertex or the halfspace representation of the related polyhedra. Also, we introduced an algorithm to refine a polyhedral partition, which does not admit a convex lifting, into a convexly liftable one. Furthermore, two different schemes are put forward to considerably reduce both the memory footprint and the runtime complexity which play a key role in implementation of piecewise affine controllers. These results have been illustrated via a numerical example and a complexity analysis.